sunnuntai 12. helmikuuta 2017

Winterpics 2017

It has been a really weird winter here in Finland. Continuously bouncing temperatures, less snow... If these are the effects of global warming, I don't like it at all! 

Luckily there were couple of perfect winter days with snow, sunshine and -20 degrees (68 F). So, I crabbed my camera, headed outside and took some pictures. Here is a few...

Hoping there is still snowy days ahead :)

2 kommenttia:

Unknown kirjoitti...

Ihania talvikuvia! Olispa talvi aina yhtä kaunis :)

Myotess kirjoitti...

Sanopa se. Pitää ottaa kaikki irti niistä nykyään harvoista hyvistä talvipäivistä :)